Rabbi says Jewish lives are worth more
than Palestinian lives � Do you agree?
"We Jews, we, the destroyers, will remain destroyers forever. Nothing that you will do will meet our needs and demands. We will forever destroy because we need a world of our own."
� Maurice Samuel, "You Gentiles", p. 155, Harcourt Brace, 1924 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maurice_Samuel
"You have not begun to appreciate the depth of our guilt. We are intruders. We are subverters. We have taken your natural world, your ideals, your destiny, and played havoc with them. We have been at the bottom of not merely the latest great war, but of every other major revolution in your history. We have brought discord and confusion and frustration into your personal and public life. We are still doing it. No one can tell how long we shall go on doing it. Who knows what great and glorious destiny might have been yours if we had left you alone."
� Marcus Eli Ravage, Century Magazine, February 1926 http://www.geocities.com/alabasters_archive/commissary.html
"Jewish leaders want world power; nothing less will do. That they have many Jews believing that they are the 'chosen' people.' Jews were chosen for destruction after their leaders caused Jesus to be executed. All Jews have suffered since. A large part of the so-called persecution is artificially created to keep Jews scared and to stimulate cash contributions. Hundreds of millions of dollars have been extracted from them in the past 25 years."
� Henry H. Klein, Jewish Leaders Are Crazy for Power (a Jewish writer disappeared by Google, which is now located in Israel)
Most of you know the old saying ... "What's good for the goose is good for the gander." It is a very old proverb; for those who don't know, a gander is a male goose. The original platitude means what's good for women is good for men, but this can be broadened to mean what's appropriate for one group of people should � if justice prevails in the world � be apropos for another.
Especially when one group declares some plan clearly detrimental to another group. The law of karma demands that this declaration will eventually be reversed. The time to reverse it is now.
The most famous quote on this subject is "As you sow, so shall you reap." (Galatians 6:7)
Consider this timely example.
Former chief rabbi calls
for carpet bombing Palestinians
Eliyahu advocates carpet bombing Gaza
The Jerusalem Post Tuesday, 31 May 2007
JERUSALEM � All civilians living in Gaza are collectively guilty for
Kassam attacks on Sderot, former Sephardi chief rabbi Mordechai
Eliyahu has written in a letter to Prime Minister Ehud Olmert.
Eliyahu ruled that there was absolutely no moral prohibition against
the indiscriminate killing of civilians during a potential massive military
offensive on Gaza aimed at stopping the rocket launchings.
The letter, published in Olam Katan [Small World], a weekly pamphlet
to be distributed in synagogues nationwide this Friday, cited the
biblical story of the Shechem massacre (Genesis 34) and Maimonides'
commentary (Laws of Kings 9, 14) on the story as proof texts for
his legal decision.
According to Jewish war ethics, wrote Eliyahu, an entire city holds
collective responsibility for the immoral behavior of individuals. In Gaza,
the entire populace is responsible because they do nothing to stop
the firing of Kassam rockets.
Jewish lives worth more than Palestinian lives
The former chief rabbi also said it was forbidden to risk the lives of
Jews in Sderot or the lives of IDF soldiers for fear of injuring or killing
Palestinian noncombatants living in Gaza.
Eliyahu could not be reached for an interview. However, Eliyahu's son,
Shmuel Eliyahu, who is chief rabbi of Safed, said his father opposed
a ground troop incursion into Gaza that would endanger IDF soldiers.
Rather, he advocated carpet bombing the general area from which
the Kassams were launched, regardless of the price in Palestinian life.
"If they don't stop after we kill 100, then we must kill a thousand,"
said Shmuel Eliyahu. "And if they do not stop after 1,000 then we must
kill 10,000. If they still don't stop we must kill 100,000, even a million.
Whatever it takes to make them stop."
According to the law of karma, I'd say Rabbi Eliyahu�s declaration means that it's open season on Jews. If Jews can do that to Palestinians, which they have with the coldest hearts imaginable for more than a hundred years, then everybody else should hold ALL JEWS responsible for ALL THE HORRIBLE CRIMES Jews have committed against EVERYONE ELSE over the past TWENTY CENTURIES.
Thank you, Rabbi Eliyahu, for your logical permission for non-Jews to CARPET BOMB ISRAEL (once the Palestinians have been removed, of course). But that�s just for starters. New York, San Francisco, L.A., Miami Beach and London should follow in short order. And, oh yes, Washington, the new heart of the Jewish beast.
Let�s examine the heart of Rabbi Eliyahu�s ruthless logic.
Reexamine his words.
According to Jewish war ethics, an entire city holds collective responsibility for the immoral behavior of individuals. In Gaza,
the entire populace is responsible because they do nothing to stop the firing of Kassam rockets.
Therefore, all members of the Israeli nation are responsible for all the horrible wars of the 20th century.
If Rabbi Eliyahu insists that all Palestinians are responsible for a minor rocket attack, and should all be killed, shouldn�t all Jews be killed for World Wars I and II, which were engineered by Jewish �advisers� Colonel Edward Mandel House and Bernard Baruch and all the Jewish bankers they worked for?
I mean, it�s only fair. And we�d be following the rabbi�s sage advice.
Consider the following categories, and what the appropriate response should be to these �Jewish war ethics� that enthusiastically permit the indiscriminate killing of innocent children EVERYWHERE ON EARTH.
Shouldn�t everyone in Israel be killed for this and thousands of other transgressions? And all the Jews on the planet as well? Logically, if he were a human being, the rabbi would have to agree. But we all know he is not a human being. He is a Jew.
False flag terror
Notwithstanding the totally polluted 9/11 skeptics movement, anyone with a brain knows that the murderous horror perpetrated on New York City in 2001 was a Jewish operation, covered up by the totally locked-down Jewish media in America, and planned and executed by a traitorous American government that is totally controlled by Jewish money.
As non-Jewish Americans, wouldn�t you like some revenge � or at least some justice � on the perverted perps who killed all those people on that bright, sunshiny day? Who else could it have been BUT Jews?
I think carpet bombing Israel is an appropriate response. This cancer must be destroyed once and for all.
And that�s without even contemplating the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan for which 9/11 was used as a pretext. The death toll in Iraq just since 9/11 is over 2 million.
TWO MILLION? And the remainder of Iraqis are mired in misery, without the basic necessities, constantly being raped and gunned down by American/Israeli Blackwater mercenaries.
This, alas, thanks to Jewish influence, has become the new legacy of America: torture, mass murder, and lies ... so many lies. Doesn�t that sound very Jewish to you? Just ask a Palestinian. Are they not human beings? Not to the Jews they aren�t.
Follow Rabbi Eliyahu�s orders, only account for the law of karma. Carpet bomb Israel, while we still have a chance.
There are many other categories to discuss regarding this matter � people imprisoned for free speech and trying to tell the truth, ethnic cleansing, food and drug poisoning ... the list is practically endless. All these murderous efforts concocted by Jews to take over the world should be reversed. Instead of punishing people for telling the truth, shouldn�t the liars be punished?
Alas, this includes most Americans, who, even though they have been brainwashed by the Jewish educational process, according to Rabbi Eliyahu�s dictum, should be killed without a second thought? If you are an honest person, it�s difficult to refute this logic. Americans have sold out to Jewish money, and, one way or the other, they are going to pay the price.
An alternative solution
Now, as it happens, I don�t believe in the death penalty. Maybe it�s because of my Jewish educational conditioning, but I don�t think so.
I believe that all life is sacred. But that�s not a concept the Jews can begin to comprehend, addicted as they are to their insane Talmudic programming.
Yet, this lethal threat to the lives of all non-Jews in the world is all too real, and imminent. YOU KNOW THIS IS TRUE.
Jews need to be physically removed from all non-Jewish societies in the world, and gathered in one place, to be among their own. Despite their philosophy of murder and exploitation, I wish them no harm. This is not because of my love for Jesus Christ, who has been betrayed by all religious organizations that even deal with Jews. Nor is it because of any other kind of redeemer or savior. It�s just because I try to be a decent, honest person, and wish everybody else would try to be one, too.
The most prominent Jewish trait observed throughout the centuries has been their desire to exploit and enslave others, while simultaneously lying to everyone about they are actually doing. It is the Jewish technique to prey on others, to deceive and corrupt them, and kill them if they are recalcitrant.
Instead of letting them prey on hapless victims, let us gather them all together, and let them work on each other.
I guarantee that this would allow peace and prosperity to blossom in the world.
With no one else to prey on, when the Jews are all gathered together, they would prey on each other, and eventually destroy themselves. Frankly, with all the harm the Jewish philosophy has done to the world, if this were to happen � and it surely would � I wouldn�t shed a tear.
The alternative to this plan is to let them kill us all. And I�m simply not going to let that happen, because the human species is a very beautiful organism, capable of the highest ideals and the greatest works, works of kindness, humility and love.
But in order to achieve this goal, we must separate out the Jews, who in their sick hatred of themselves have chosen to live alone. We will let them live alone, and bear them no animosity, as long as they no longer prey upon those whom they are able to deceive, which they have done for more than two thousand years.
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