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The beautiful Iranians

They gave us all a gift that will last til the end of the Earth


Darius the King says: Now let that which has been done by me convince you; thus to the people impart, do not conceal it: if this record you shall not conceal, (but) tell it to the people, may Ahuramazda be a friend to you, and may family be to you in abundance, and may you live long!
— Behistun Inscription, line 60. (4.52-6.)

I don’t know how many times I’ve said to my friends — and they can verify it — “I wish we had a president as decent as Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the current and outspoken president of Iran.

“I mean, just compare the two men as human beings. Mr. Ahmadinejad seems like a decent guy from the neighborhood, trying to tell the truth while being trampled by the demonic Jewish spin machine. And here is George W. Bush (interchangeable with Barack Obama, as have been all American presidents since U.S. Grant), revealing himself to the world as a lying, pathological killer. Hey, which one would you choose?”

Known in ancient times as the Persian Empire, Iran has a reputation of being the friendliest country on Earth. The Persians gathered countries under their wing not by force but by sensible emoluments, and a patient belief in themselves that eventually everyone would see the happy wisdom of the way they lived. This was not because of Islam, foisted on them in the 8th century by Arabian renegades, but simply because they were Iranians, who have proved over the centuries that they are the most accommodating people on the planet. All they have ever wanted was the peace that comes from not being manipulated by someone else, and, oddly, they still have not achieved that. But then, who has?

So, isn’t it amazing how Jewish media has demonized Iran forever, like that recent instance when Mr. Ahmadinejad was accused of wanting “to wipe Israel off the map” (is the way Jewish media phrased it) when what he really said was that Zionist Judaism is a philosophy that must die out because it is simply so harmful to practically every person in the whole world.

As people who live in a Jewish-controlled country (and now we see clearly that country, our country, going down the tubes) that hears over and over again how Iran’s president is some kind of monster, we eventually begin to ask questions about the slanting of the news by the reporter and get a really good look at the twisted ugliness of the Jewish spin machine.

American media don’t talk about Gaza, they talk about cold hard cash, but what they don’t tell you is the truth about either.

Among all the other leaders of the world, Ahmadinejad distinguished himself — put himself into Gandhi’s class — by having the courage to host a public Holocaust conclave that brought the genuine facts to light, although most people never saw the conclusions.

The conclusions were that less than 300,000 Jews died in the German work camps, none of them were gassed, no one was turned into soap, no one was thrown into Elie Wiesel’s “lakes of fire” and the real atrocities of World War II were committed by the Americans (the Dresden firebombing and Eisenhower’s death camps), notwithstanding the farce that was staged at Nuremburg. Oh yes, and people didn’t begin to die in the workcamps until 1944, when Allied bombing cut the German supply lines and most of those thousands of Jews died from either starvation or typhus.

Taking the Ahmadinejad-Bush comparison to another level, U.S. President Eisenhower STARVED TO DEATH MORE THAN A MILLION German soldiers in his deathcamps in France.

Thus, the question faces all Americans who can read. Who is the real villain here?

Notice how Jewish media didn’t tell you WHAT the people at the conference in Teheran said, only what bad, scurrilous people they are. I’ve experienced that, and it always fails, because eventually people wake up to repeated lies. Oh, if they only did.

And now, for the most valuable piece of advice ever to come off a rock . . .

The Behistun Inscription

Beware the People of the Lie. The Behistun Inscription is to cuneiform what the Rosetta Stone is to Egyptian hieroglyphs: the document most crucial in the decipherment of a previously lost script. It is located in the Kermanshah Province of Iran.

The inscription includes three versions of the same text, written in three different cuneiform script languages: Old Persian, Elamite, and Babylonian.

A British army officer, Sir Henry Rawlinson, had the inscription transcribed in two parts, in 1835 and 1843. Rawlinson was able to translate the Old Persian cuneiform text in 1838, and the Elamite and Babylonian texts were translated by Rawlinson and others after 1843. Babylonian was a later form of Akkadian: both are Semitic languages.


Then, from Thompson, R. Campbell. "The Rock of Behistun". Wonders of the Past. Edited by Sir J. A. Hammerton. Vol. II. New York: Wise and Co., 1937. (p. 760-767) Dr. Thompson (D.Litt., M.A., F.S.A.) investigated the Rock of Behistun on behalf of the British Museum.

He writes (page 761):

Two days' journey south-west from the ancient Summer Palace of Ecbatana, along the old caravan-road leading down to Babylon, a towering rock bastion nearly 4,000 feet high marks the end of one of the many great earth-folds of the crumpled Persian border. At its foot a spring wells out in a broad pool, and meanders across the rich, broad vale of the Karkhah, where the rains of spring are kindly and deck the plains with grass and the mountain crannies with flowers. Here, between scaur and well-head, where slow caravans have crawled the ages through, the well-worn track passes the sordid little village of Behistun.

More than five hundred years B.C. the Great King, the king of Kings, the King of Persia, the King of the Provinces, Darius, took counsel where he should worthily grave the story of his reign. It must be set in a place which all should see, and yet be safe from the ravages of time and the malice of enemies; it must be written in several languages, that foreigners as well as Persians might know his glory; it must be shown in picture as well as in the written word, that those poor illiterates who could not read might yet tremble at the great king's vengeance. His choice fell on this rock-face at Behistun, a hundred feet and more above the pool, in a gully masked by the last crags.

In 516 B.C. his scribes composed the great history in three languages, and in Persian, Susian, and Babylonish cuneiform the engravers chiselled it in thirteen columns in the smooth vertical surface, and then, above the five tall columns of Persian writing, twelve feet high, his artists carved a delicate panel with a life-sized figure of the king in relief, receiving the submission of ten rebel upstarts who had challenged his right to the throne.

In course of time the Achaemenid kingdom went the way of other Oriental monarchies, leaving the dumb witness of ruined cities, sculptures, and above all, this great rock-picture, safeguarded by its height above the road, to testify to a power long dead. Legends grew fast round such a marvel, and travellers carried away strange tales of its rugged scarps, inscribed with unknown writings.

Diodorus, a contemporary of Julius Caesar, called it the "Bagistanon" mountain, the forerunner of its modern name, and told a wonderful tale how Semiramis, Queen of Babylon, ordered it to be carved, climbing the face of the (Page 763) mountain on a heap of pack saddles from her baggage train piled against the rock.

The place was held sacred, said he; and to this day the Persian women come to hang their little votive scraps of rag on a bush beneath, as though it were some saint's tomb, in token of their dues to its mystery. Others who visited Persia in later times spoke of its wonder when they returned to Europe; many let their fancy run wild in their explanation of its meaning. Bembo in the seventeenth, Otter in the eighteenth century, tells of it; nay, Gardanne in 1809 avers that the picture is meant for the Twelve Apostles, and Ker Porter 1827, hardly less fanciful, thinks it to be Shalmaneser and the captive Tribes of Israel.

Darius the King says: This is what was done by me after I became king. A son of Cyrus, Cambyses by name, of our family -- he was king here of that Cambyses there was a brother, Smerdis by name, having the same mother and the same father as Cambyses. Afterwards, Cambyses slew that Smerdis. When Cambyses slew Smerdis, it did not become known to the people that Smerdis had been slain. Afterwards, Cambyses went to Egypt. When Cambyses had gone off to Egypt, after that the people became evil. After that the Lie waxed great in the country, both in Persia and in Media and in the other provinces.

12. (1.43-8.) Darius the King says: This kingdom which Gaumata the Magian took away from Cambyses, this kingdom from long ago had belonged to our family. After that, Gaumata the Magian took (it) from Cambyses; he took to himself both Persia and Media and the other provinces, he made (them) his own possession, he became king.

13. (1.48-61.) Darius the King says: There was not a man, neither a Persian nor a Mede nor anyone of our family, who might make that Gaumata the Magian deprived of the kingdom. The people feared him greatly, (thinking that) he would slay in numbers the people who previously had known Smerdis; for this reason he would slay the people, "lest they know me, that I am not Smerdis the son of Cyrus." Nobody dared say anything about Gaumata the Magian, until I came. After that I sought help of Ahuramazda; Ahuramazda bore me aid; of the month Bagayadi 10 days were past, then I with a few men slew that Gaumata the Magian, and those who were his foremost followers. A fortress named Sikayauvati, a district named Nisaya, in Media -- here I slew him. I took the kingdom from him. By the favor of Ahuramazda I became king; Ahuramazda bestowed the kingdom upon me.

The kingdom which had been taken away from our family, that I put in its Place; I reestablished it on its foundation. As before, so I made the sanctuaries which Gaumata the Magian destroyed. I restored to the people the pastures and the herds, the household slaves and the houses which Gaumata the Magian took away from them. I reestablished the people on its foundation, both Persia and Media and the other provinces. As before, so I brought back what had been taken away. By the favor of Ahuramazda this I did: I strove until I reestablished our royal house on its foundation as (it was) before. So I strove, by the favor of Ahuramazda, so that Gaumata the Magian did not remove our royal house.

Darius the King says: Now let that which has been done by me convince you; thus to the people impart, do not conceal it: if this record you shall not conceal, (but) tell it to the people, may Ahuramazda he a friend to you, and may family be to you in abundance, and may you live long!

Beware the People of the Lie. Written in stone, 2500 years ago, for all to see. A gift from the Iranians.

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