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The missing piece

Breaking news from 1500 BC

7th October 2011


for Willem Dragstra

We shall not cease from exploration,
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.

 — T.S.Eliot, Four Quartets: Little Gidding

All the gods are deified men
 — Euhemerus, 3rd century BC

To see clearly as far into the future as possible, it is necessary to see as far back into the past as we can and, most especially, determine what has been hidden from us, or distorted and changed to our detriment. What was it the folksinger sang? "You can't know where you're going if you don't know where you've been."

Use the word "past" and most people focus on last week, or last year. Old geezers like me jabber on about decades long gone; skilled specialists can grasp 20th century histories of their own professions; and classically trained experts can easily recall principles established in epochs unknown to most ordinary folks.

Most of us have a dim recollection that America was founded on a framework used by the Romans of a Senate and an aggressive military policy. Fewer still know that the Romans built their first republic and then empire on the Greek model, and that's where most of us hit the wall of ancient history knowledge: the Greek classics, the Egyptian pyramids, and some odd statuettes from Mesopotamia and India.

Complicating all known facts about the ancient world are the holy books; though more myth than history, they nevertheless sway millions of adherents to their own versions of world events. Thus, the very foundation of our reality remains obscured and confused by competing religious systems, all of which have conspired to deliberately destroy our real history for their own benefit.

Three authors' portrait of the past

In discussing the work of little known writer Henry Binkley Stein, it is necessary to reference the controversial conclusions of maverick historian Immanuel Velikovsky and Princeton professor Julian Jaynes to create an incredibly vivid — and heretofore virtually unknown — snapshot of the literate world in 1500 BC, the exact time at which humanity's most ancient legends were all formed and codified. This missing piece of historical perception is significantly illuminated by Stein's two short essays — "Thirty Thousand Gods Before Jehovah" and "The Axe Was God" [both attached at bottom]

Although still ignored by mainstream science, Velikovsky's "Worlds in Collision" was a sensational success in the 1960s, postulating that the planet Venus assumed its present orbit only around 1500 BC, when it was expectorated by Jupiter, passed by Earth causing great destruction, and crashed into Mars, which then was closer to the Sun than Earth; knocked out of its orbit, Mars thereupon also passed by Earth to its present orbit, also causing great destruction. These events are known to us in the Hopi legends as the blue and red star kachinas (which were one-time events that do not recur).

Jaynes' classic "The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind" (1976) analyzes the dual mode of consciousness that seems like outright and open schizophrenia in one of the world's oldest books, "The Iliad", the story of how the ancient Greeks destroyed the ancient citadel of Troy. The Iliad is the story of a tribe called the Illi, also called the Els. The way Stein tells it, the Illi, the People of the Islands — known in Homer's work as Trojans — ruled the world before the invention of writing.

The general consensus about the creation of the Old Testament is reflected on a popular religious website. "The first recorded instance of God’s Word being written down, was when the Lord Himself wrote it down in the form of ten commandments on the stone tablets delivered to Moses at the top of Mount Sinai. Biblical scholars believe this occurred between 1,400 BC and 1,500 BC . . . almost 3,500 years ago."

"The superstitions of the natives were utilized for the mastery of the country and the Illi played the role of the gods," Stein writes.

The People of the Islands

"The greatness of classical Greece was due to the culture of the Illi, which for the first time in the history of the world was made available to the public," Stein explains.

"Cadmus, the 'Phoenician God' who brought the alphabet to Greece and founded Thebes, may have been a god of the serpent cult who opposed the sun cult and broke the bonds of secrecy that surrounded all the mysteries of the Illi by making written language available to the public." Remember, in those days, the words 'god' and 'king' were often interchangeable.

An eerie chill will pass over you when you realize the linguistic legacy of the Illi lingers in thousands of words we use over and over again, without realizing the scope and depth of their meaning, a tremendous collection of words whose root is Illi.

They were the city builders, called civilii. The word hill. Castle, capitol, gentility, nobility, fidelity, hostility, ability, utility. Civilization. All these words have -illi as their root word. And thousands of other words. Heidelburg, the Teutonic city of learning, means literally burg of the high Illi. Even the word 'hello' derives from a civilization time has forgotten.

But above all, the Illi were seafarers, traders in ships bigger than those seen a thousand years later, always headquartered on a peaceful island, from whence they explored the major rivers and built fortresses on hills, dazzling the uncivilized populations with technological marvels never before seen, foremost of which was writing, the development of which led to a profound change in the behavior of humankind, because it created the analog mindspace, from which all knowledge and technology developed. Above all, the Illi extracted the first fruits of every community with seemingly magical powers, exemplified most vividly by the ability to communicate by writing.

It is possible to show, Stein writes, that all the gods of all the nations bore the same surname, the name of Illi. The Aztecs were visited by a white Illi, Quetzalcoatl, the plumed serpent. Illi is shortened to "el" or "al", "la" or "le". They form the basis for over 200 of these god names.

Babylon means gates of the Elohim. All the local gods were called 'Als'. Mohammed framed the word 'Allah' from the article 'il' and the word 'al', thus 'ila' or 'Allah'. Levites followers of Els. Stein recounts how these children of Israel were really nothing more than slaves, because Jehovah kept selling them to the Philistines and others.

The forgotten civilization

Minoan civilization on the Mediterranean island of Crete was destroyed by two cataclysms around 1500 BC, first a devastating earthquake and then the famous Thera volcano on the island of Santorini, which darkened the known world for many years. While cryptologists have deciphered the more recent Cretan script, Linear B, the earlier language, Linear A, remains impenetrable. According to Stein, this grand history that is missing involved the civilization that seeded and controlled all the ancient cultures, including Babylon, Egypt and Greece. The legendary founder of Egypt was Menes; the legendary king of the Island of the Blest now known as Crete was Minos (hence Minoan civilization).

Stein writes, "The house of Atlas ruled the world in the age before the beginning of written history, approximately 5000-2000 BC."

"The Greeks had a myth about the Hyperboreans, or the people who lived beyond the North Wind. Thomas Moore wrote a poem called the Song of the Hyperborean. Pythagoras claimed that he, spiritually, was a Hyperborean. These Hyperboreans were a highly talented, musically inclined race of men."

"The house of Atlas furnished the first astronomers who charted the stars and thereby the seas. They took the Zodiac from their homeland isle so far as from Mexico to Chaldea. The Atlas Empire was primarily an empire of the sea. Cities built on islands were unfortified. (Cnossus, Phaestus, Tara). Cities built on continents were fortified. (Troy, Babylon, Cuzco). The Atlantic Ocean took its name from the house of Atlas. A city on the Gulf of Mexico was named Atlan. The Atlas Mountains in Africa were also so named. The "Atl" syllable ending is found in the names of nearly every god of Mexico."

Life in 1500 BC

"A fragment of the writings of Plato (400 BC) gives a peek at the culture of the time of Atlas . . . The palace of Poseidon is described as a stone building with silver roof and doors of gold. Inside there is an ivory dome above a golden statue of a god standing un a chariot driving six winged horses. This state was emblematical of the sun for the gods were sun worshippers. Outisde there were hot and cold springs surrounded by buidlings and trees and basins for the baths of the gods, the kings, citizens, women, and last of all, horses and other beasts. Waste from these baths was conducted to a grove of orchards and gardens. Gymnasiums, race tracks, harbors and ships furnished a complement to the sanctuary.

Plato notes: "Wealth and possessions they considered a light load, for they were masters of themselves."

A portrait of the ancient kingdom of Minos on the island of Crete was written was the Greek poet Pindar.

All who have courage to remain steadfast thrice in this life,
And to keep their souls altogether free from envy,
Pursue the road to Zeus, to the castle of Chronos,
[In my Father's home are many mansions.]
Where over the Isles of the Blest ocean breezes blow and flowers
Gleam with gold; with bracelets of flowers they entwine their hands
And wreaths crown their heads.

Troy was the civilized city, the Greeks were the barbarians in ancient days. Troy was the city of the gods. Apollo and Neptune had worked upon its walls. Zeus was the supreme god of the Greeks. He came from Crete and established the Oracle. Up until then, Greece was primitive . . .

No craft they knew, with woven brick and jointed beams to pile the sunward porch; but the dark earth burrowed the housed like sunless ants in sunless caves.
— Aeschylus, Prometheus Bound

Jehovah was a man

"Cyprus was the home of the Adonai, the lords who ruled small cities on the mainland. A local god was called Adonai. The name is joined up with that of Jehovah in the word Adonijah, a Biblical surname. The story of Venus and Adonis as told by Shakespeare is but a poetical sublimation of the orgies held upon Cyprus and even at Byblos on the mainland.

"That Jehovah was a man; that Moses and Israel thought of him as nothing else but a living man, is evidenced in many places." Many saw his feet, hands and back but all were forbidden from every seeing his face — a paradigm operating in all religions: only the high priests get to see the big god. [. . .] "many instances show that God ate and drank."

"Passages too numerous to quote show that the person of Jehovah was concealed from the people," Stein writes.

"It was puzzling to know where the Israelites got their wealth to give Jehovah until the following passage was found: 'But every woman shall borrow of her neighbor . . . jewels of silver and gold and raiment, and put them on your sons and daughters, and ye shall spoil Egyptians.'"

"At Jericho and other towns, women and children were utterly massacred, all the houses were burned and only the gold and silver [was] brought to the Lord. To what benefit was gold and silver to the Lord if not to trade? From the hilltop down the river to the islands prompted the words of Isaiah: 'Keep silence before me, O islands, and let the people renew their strength.'

"In other words, the draining out of the country of the gold and silver, the first born of the beasts, the first fruits of the land, not to say the first born of the people, was too much for the people. The islands grew richer, hence the prophet said let the people renew their strength. 'Be still, we inhabitants of the Isle; thou whom the merchants of Zidon that pass over the sea have replenished . . . the harvest of the river is her revenue and she is the mart of the nations.'"

A prehistoric racket

"The El or god was never present when the gift was made. It is typical of all myths that no man could live and see the face of god. Thus possessed of the secrets of writing, of fire and lightning, of bronze making, and even the secret of his own identity, a god could easily dispose of any recalcitrant victim. Thus thirty thousand gods from thirty thousand hills disgorged the people of their first fruits and sent the cream of that down the rivers to the islands."

"But it was from Crete that the Sophists came and taught that there were no gods and never had been any. And Crete was the home of the gods."

To savage and barbarous tribes — the first appearance of men whose mechanical inventions, whose superior knowledge of the arts of life, nay, whose exterior advantages of garb and mien indicate intellectual immanence till then neither known nor imagined — presents a something preternatural or divine. They yield as to a teacher — not succumb to an invader.
— Edward Bulwer Lytton

"Such is the way the Bronze Age conquered the Stone Age," Stein writes. "With superior weapons and a Machiavellian understanding of the superstitions of the people and the inclination to take advantage of them."

Aryan Gods of Mexico and Peru

Why did the Inca and the Aztec know that white men would return? Only one answer: because they'd been there before. The white gods taught their ancestors how to farm, weave and build with brick. How do you think all those pyramids got built all over the world?

"The myth of the Incas relates that their rulers came from the 'Island of the Sun.' The cult of the Sun was universal for the Els had circumnavigated the globe. Standing opposed to this cult was the much older and more savage cult of the serpent."

" . . . the people of Peru worshipping the dissevered head of Tupac Amaru (their emperor god) who was foully murdered by the Spaniards, can only be likened to the followers of Christ at his crucifixion.

And then there are the red-haired, blue eyed Peruvians.

The God, Jesus Christ

In Revelation III Christ speaks of "the Amen," using the word as a noun, calling them the "faithful and the true". . . . The Amen or Ammon were the secret rulers of the world, the same who controlled Alexander and told him to found the city of Alexandria.

"Beyond the history of Masonry there is unwritten evidence that the lodge is the product of the religion of Bel or Baal. Christianity and Masonry join up in agreement on antediluvian mythology, yet Masonry differs from Christianity in doing no proselytizing, in doing no healing, in avoiding many of the emotional disturbances common to Christianity.

"Masonry acknowledges the Great Architect, makes morality a skill and a training — not a miraculous conversion. Hiram of Tyre was a worshipper of Baal (History of Masonry) and knew not Jehovah. Hiram belonged to the Napthalia or the priests of the apron or the linen. Hiram's craftsmen built the temple for Solomon, who had no craftsmen. Solomon was practically converted to Baal for he admired the higher cult and Jessica (?) introduced the worship of Baal to Jerusalem. This Jehovah would not stand for, for he above all was a "jealous" God. Hence the line of Solomon was to be destroyed. As a matter of fact, Jehovah's jealousy was the destruction and dispersion of the Jews, as Jehovah undertook to wreak vengeance by bringing in the armies of nearby nations."

The Serpent and the Cross

"The story of the Garden of Eden and of Adam and Eve is but the sublimation of the story of the struggle of the snake worshipping aborigines of the Euphrates valley against the gods of the Elohim, who in Sumerian were termed the 'Ilu'. [Into the garden of Babylon . . .] "the gods took the proletarians of 'forerunners of the gods' on probation, to make 'like us'."

Anyone who refused was simply driven from the garden.

"There is a legend in Egypt that the Serpents robbed the gods of their immortality. In Babylon the legend of Napishum (may be Utnapishtim) states that the Serpents stole the ambrosia from the gods and the gods lost their immortality. In India the god Indara was supposed to have preserved the ambrosia from the snakes. In the Garden of Eden (Babylon) the gods (Elohim) drove the Snakes (Adam and Eve and the Serpent) out of the garden. Legend states that St. Patrick drove the serpents out of Ireland (possibly the passing of the Druids who were Snakes) . . .

"The worst (or perhaps the best) happened; the gods interbred with the snakes and lost their identity in the lands that they conquered. All the countries we have mentioned took on a depressed condition and there was not one that withstood the great world depression.

"Mankind in general, in the desperation of the realization of its own incompetence, grasped at the god of the Israelites, and accepted him as the ruler of the universe."

Velikovsky and Jaynes

The cataclysms of 1500 BC destroyed the home base of the Illi empire that had the world for its oyster. The survivors spread everywhere, and everywhere established their own formula for civilization. The Stone Age mindset Jaynes describes was a nonreflective, robotic response to stated instructions with no comprehension of reading. What was told to them could echo in their minds for years, which is why, for a thousand years or so, statues could speak to them, as some religious zealots insist they can now. In this same mental state are contemporary humans who hear the voice of God. One day soon, perhaps, humanity will realize that the voice has always been a lie, a puppet show in which the God is never seen but everyone is forced to believe he is real, and, if you do what he says, he will be on your side. But like the Jehovah of old, he'll sell you into slavery at the drop of a hat.

Free me from this slaughterous priesthood, in which it is my office to kill strangers.
— Euripides, Iphigenia, 440 BC


"Today continuity of organization exists through the church of Rome, the oracle of the Delphi, the priests of Ammon, to the House of Atlas on the island of Poseidon."

After a discussion of how inbreeding destroyed the master race, Stein concludes:

"Thus today, even though we outbreed, we bear marks of deterioration. We dwell upon the threshold of hysteria. The mental troubles that harass the multitude are brought about largely by the universal system of exploitation. When submerged races are not available for exploitation, the descendants of the Illi exploit one another, and thereby increase their mental ailments."

Stein blames the church for foisting artificial gods upon everyone.

"Who knows but that possibly the happy days of ancient pastoral Saturn may return in our own machine age. In the days of Saturn, exploitation was not felt. The fields were new and unfallowed. Likewise exploitation was not felt in America when the land was new. Conditions such as came about in Egypt and India were the result of the exploitation of the gods who in turn made no effort to rationalize the superstitions of the masses. Nor today can the church explain away its neglect, its failure, its procrastination in the elimination of worldwide slums, the slums of the Troglodites. Indeed the belt of rural slums in America is sometimes termed the Bible Belt.

"All cities have slums. Evidently slums are need for a system of exploitation to succeed. A populace cannot be continuously robbed and not become poor. Thus indeed the Bible may say: 'The poor ye have with ye always.' Yes, indeed, the poor we have; unless the system be changed. And the church places emphasis upon the individual, who is helpless, and forebears to mention the system."

The entire text of Henry Binkley Stein's "Thirty Thousand Gods Before Jehovah" and "The Axe Was God" (a separate analysis of the latter work will be done separately) is available here:

There are neither angels nor aliens, only consensual projections of the human mind describing phenomena beyond human comprehension, as vividly demonstrated by the creation of the Old Testament, interpreting metaphorically astonishing events which dazzled the natives with technologies and practices they had never before seen.

While everyone may recognize and be thankful for the forces that animate our universe as the actions of a power beyond our comprehension — and that essence has been condensed into the world 'God' — the scariest thing of all to tell you is that there are no anthropomorphic gods and no aliens who communicate to us in our own language. Any other viewpoint is a projected delusion, guaranteed insanity, almost certainly put there by somebody who wanted to make you think they were real.

The mere attempt to create gods is only an attempt to evade responsibility for the actions of our own species. We must fight off these pathological dragons of the past and future and take responsibility for our own fate.

We have to save ourselves. No god is going to save us. As far as we can see back in history, no god has ever attempted to do that, only to take our money. Yet blinded by the light, we continue to believe and be crucified.

So we die. Big deal. The task then becomes to see how much real love we can actually produce in a short period of time. Prayer and piety are for fools; right action is the only answer. The way out of our dilemma is to follow wisdom as old as time itself, best expressed by the Buddha in the Dhammapada:

Hatred does not cease by hatred at any time; hatred ceases by love — this is an old rule. The world does not know that all must come to an end here; but those who know, their quarrels cease at once.

John Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida, urging people to understand that no problem in the world can be authentically addressed without first analyzing tangents caused by Jewish perfidy, which has subverted and diminished every aspect of human endeavor throughout history. Support for his work is wholly derived from people who can understand what he’s saying and know what it means. It is your contributions that have kept him going this long

250 N. McCall Rd. #2,
FL 34223

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