Bad news about those �good wars�

for coffinman

13th January 2010

Eustace Mullins, in “The Curse of Canaan”, writes about the days leading up to
World War I:  (p. 201-205)

In 1916, 54 percent of the American people were of German origin: a vote to make German the official language of the Republic had failed by only one vote during the formation of the Republic. During the first hundred years of this nation, German was the only language to be heard in many areas.

A poll in 1916 asked the American people, “If we should enter the war, would you choose to go in on the side of Germany, or of England?” An overwhelming majority responded that they would prefer to go in on the side of Germany.

This was hardly surprising; England’s policies, her interference, and her continual attempts to destroy the American Republic were no secret to the American people, despite the efforts of our historians to gloss over or cover up these campaigns. Pro-British groups such as the Pilgrims, the English Union, and other well-financed operations in the New York area poured forth British propaganda, but it had little or no effect on the rest of the nation.

There was as yet no conceivable reason for the United States to involve itself on behalf of either belligerent. No threat was ever presented against any of its territory; therefore, the desired result had to be achieved by the usual devious means.

The firm of J.P. Morgan, which had originated in London as George Peabody & Co., had made large loans to England from the enormous sums made available by the operations of the newly launched Federal Reserve System. J.P. Morgan headed the Federal Advisory Council, which met with the Federal Reserve Board of Governors. A veteran of the Jekyl Island meeting, Paul Warburg, was Vice Chairman of the Board of Governors. Everything seemed well in hand.

William Jennings Bryan, who had campaigned against the Cross of Gold on which the international bankers planned to crucify the American people, now led the “Keep Us Out of War” movement. On Feb. 3, 1917, he addressed a mass meeting of 5,000 people in New York. The entire procedure would be repeated in 1940, as if by rote, and with the same outcome; we would go into the war.

We did not lack for religious leaders to urge us into this ‘godly’ war. This was a great blasphemy, because it was really a ritual celebration of Baal’s orgy of human sacrifice . . . . Bishop William Alfred Quayle shrieked that “Germans have ravished the women of Belgium, Serbia, Roumania, Poland; Germans murdered the passengers of the Lusitania; Germans poisoned wells, crucified inhabitants and soldiers, and denatured men and boys.”

All of this was part of a well-financed propaganda campaign on the part of British agents. As usual, the government of the United States was being “run” by the British Secret Intelligence Service. The propaganda was intended to be purely inflammatory, and no accusation was too wild to be denied front page coverage in the American press.

Alfred Ponsonby’s book, “Falsehood in Wartime” (E.P. Dutton, 1928) was one of a number of books which later exposed the fantastic lies that were used to incite Americans to go to war against Germany. Ponsonby’s book was dedicated to his friends, the Marques of Tavistock and the historian Francis Neilson. On p. 17 Ponsonby writes, ‘The method of Northcliffe at the Front is to distribute through airmen a constantly increasing number of leaflets and pamphlets; the letters of German prisoners are falsified in the most outrageous way, tracts and pamphlets are concocted to which the names of German poets, writers and statesmen are forged . . . .’

One of the most notorious propaganda coups of World War I was the German “Corpse Factory,” the Kadaver. On April 16, 1917, the Times reported that “the Germans are distilling glycerine from the bodies of their dead, burning bodies for fat, turned into lubricating oils, powder from bones; the story proved to be a popular one and was repeated for weeks in the Times of London . . . .”

Relying heavily on faked documents and doctored photographs, British agents deluged credulous American journalists with “hot copy.”

The result was that American mobs began to attack elderly German shopkeepers, blaming them for the “atrocities” committed in Germany. In most instances, these shopkeepers were the most staid, as well as the most patriotic residents of their areas.

The principal vehicle used by Woodrow Wilson to justify his declaration of war against Germany was “submarine warfare” against American shipping; the keystone of the claim was the sinking of the Lusitania.

In fact, the German government had published warnings to Americans in the New York press, advising them not to travel on the Lusitania, because it was known to be carrying munitions . . . . Later records revealed that there were 5400 cases of ammunition on the Lusitania.

The World War was satisfactorily concluded with some 50 million persons having been slaughtered . . . With this happy result, the Masonic Order of Canaanites decided to go for 100 million victims in their nest outing. For this purpose, they assembled the most sinister members of the world’s Masonic lodges at the Versailles Peace Conference.

As Ezra Pound later pointed out over Radio Rome, “The real crime is ending one war so as to make the next one inevitable.” ....

The Versailles Peace Conference actually consisted of a three-tier system, each distinct from the others. The first was the public conference, highly visible, attended by swarms of reporters from all over the world, and extensively reported; the second tier was the secret conferences of the Big Four, who met privately to compare notes and go over the instructions from their hidden masters; the third tier was the nightly Masonic conferences, known only to a chosen few, at which the actual decisions of all agenda at the conference were discussed and decided upon.

The ministers of the victorious Allied powers were well-treated for their cooperation. Woodrow Wilson himself returned to America with private gifts of $1 million in gold and precious gems to ensure his efforts on behalf of the League of Nations. When he realized that Congress would never approve this dismantling of American sovereignty, he was haunted by the fear that he might have to return these bribes, and he suffered a nervous breakdown, from which he never recovered.

And then Mullins, on p. 205, writes about World War II:

Involving the United States in World War II was predicated on the successful operation of an end run play, which Hitler never considered. He had no intention of provoking the United States; when the British intelligence director, Sir William Stephenson, repeatedly murdered young German sailors on the streets of New York, the German government ignored the incidents.

Despite the expenditure of millions of dollars on frenetic war propaganda, the American people remained insensitive to the “threat” of Nazism. Charles Lindbergh Jr. led a nationwide America First campaign which seemed certain to keep us out of the war.

The answer to the Roosevelt-Churchill dilemma was Pearl Harbor, one of the most artfully planned slaughters of American soldiers, sailors and marines in our history. It seemed that everyone in a position of authority in London and Washington knew that the Japanese intended to attack Pearl Harbor, which was hardly surprising, because the Japanese secret codes had been broken months before.

The nightmare of the plotters was that the Japanese commanders might inadvertently find that their code had been broken and call off the attack on Pearl Harbor, since they would know that the defenders would be warned.

The Washington conspirators, while breathlessly following the slow course of the Japanese fleet toward Pearl Harbor, avoided intimating to Kimmel and Short, the American commanders in Hawaii, that they were in any danger. Alerting them, of course, would warn the Japanese and cause them to turn back. The Japanese commanders later said that at the first sign of an alarm, they were prepared to turn back toward Tokyo without pressing their attack.

A meeting of the conspirators at the White House on the evening of Pearl Harbor found them haggard with suspense; only a few more hours and they would know whether they had “won,” that is, whether the Japanese would attack and destroy the American fleet and installations at Pearl Harbor. Never has any group waited for “bad news” with such intensity.

President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who lived throughout his life on handouts from his mother, the opium money amassed by her father, Warren Delano; Bernard Baruch, who had imposed the reparations debt on Germany; General George Marshall, whom Sen. McCarthy was later to call “a living lie” these were the men who had staked everything on this gamble to involve the United States in World War II; if it failed, they had no backup plan. Hitler refused to pose any threat to the United States.

[end citations]

The writer Eustace Mullins has been denigrated, suppressed and harassed for more than 50 years. Why? Because he tells you the history they don’t want you to know.

What is happening now has happened before, time and again. Knowing what happened before is the only way to stop it, and keep it from happening again.

John Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida, and gets very few radio offers because he uses a word that everyone has been conditioned not to use, which renders them incapable of seeing the crimes that are being committed in their names.