Hamilton�s CurseRoot cause of U.S. demise: Bankers sabotaged Constitution8th February 2011 . . . he who takes the king�s money becomes the king�s man . . . ancient saying The perpetuation of debt has drenched the world in blood. Thomas Jefferson They say timing is everything, and it would be good for us if that were true, because as we sit here watching America crumble into a diseased and decaying madhouse, the accurate analysis of what happened to our freedom and what we should do to regain it is available, perfectly clear, and ready for use. Everyone in the world now knows that something has gone terribly wrong with the American dream, which � you may recall � once upon a time guaranteed liberty and justice for all. It is clear to all that the American dream has now become the American nightmare, as the consequences of our collective bad judgments are exploding in our faces on every level. What happened to America can be nicely summed up in just two words � Hamilton�s Curse � which is the title of a 2008 book by controversial college history professor Thomas DiLorenzo, well known deconstructor of Abe Lincoln and other American myths. In �Hamilton�s Curse,� you see how George Washington�s top assistant, Alexander Hamilton, is the real father of the United States of America, that bogus construct that pretends to be a democracy but really is a financial tyranny built upon Hamilton�s ideas of an empire ruled by an aristocracy. The PR blurb for this book was something like �it was Jefferson�s country we brag about, but it was Hamilton�s country we got.� And it�s a very sad story about how the highest principles ever encoded by humans into a governmental system got tangled up at their very beginnings by the same financial forces of evil that plague us now, inflicting that old boom and bust cycle that periodically leaves well-meaning families crying and starving on the cold streets of America as part of the macro financial strategies of the very rich men who have pulled the puppet strings of society for a very long time. �Americans are buried in an avalanche of public debt that is hardly the �blessing� Hamilton promised,� DiLorenzo wrote. �The unfunded obligations of the federal government alone amount to more than $70 trillion, which would require an average tax rate of more than 80 percent to pay. Why have we become servants instead of masters of our own government?� he asks. Neither Jefferson nor Madison ever trusted Hamilton, who from his beginning as Washington�s top lieutenant and facilitator, was an unashamed advocate for big government, glorious empire and heavy taxation, in other words, the same system that had taken over Britain and driven the American colonists away in search of freedom. Hamilton wanted a permanent president, or king. Though he didn�t live to see the results, Hamilton�s philosophical heirs, particularly Chief Justice John Marshall and President Abraham Lincoln, imposed Hamiltonian practices on the United States and eventually whittled away the last noble tenets of the Constitution before they were permanently eradicated by the totalitarian events of 1913. DiLorenzo, a history professor at Loyola College of Maryland and popular figure in Libertarian circles, wrote: �. . . the triumph of Hamiltonianism has been mostly a curse on America. The political legacy of Alexander Hamilton reads like a catalogue of the ills of modern government: an out-of-control, unacceptable, monopolistic bureaucracy in Washington, D.C.; the demise of the Constitution as a restraint on the federal government�s powers; the end of the idea that citizens of the states should be masters, rather then the servants, of their government; generations of activist federal judges who have eviscerated the constitutional protections of individual liberty in America; national debt; harmful protectionist international trade policies; corporate welfare (that is, the use of tax dollars to subsidize various politically connected businesses); and central economic planning and political control of the money supply, which have instigated boom-and-bust cycles in the economy.� (4) Jefferson, Madison and others thought of Hamilton as a deadly enemy of a free society. Jefferson was always opposed to maintenance of a standing army. Hamilton wanted a standing army of tax collectors. Hamilton called the national debt �a public blessing,� because the aristocracy profited from the sale of public bonds, which increased in value as the government was expanded. Jefferson took exactly the opposite stance, that a public debt sabotaged the fortunes of the nation. (see quote at top) Hamilton�s plan for commandeering resources through taxation would guarantee the government a high credit rating, which would lure investors in government debt from around the world. This was how the European empires were financed, with endless debt that was never fully paid off. . . . It was this very system that caused all of the European empires to bankrupt themselves eventually. Hamilton spent seven years attempting to overthrow the Articles of Confederation and establish a powerful central government with a new Constitution, in part so he could finance his grandiose plans. Of all the heinous Hamilton deeds recorded by DiLorenzo, two events while he was John Adams� Secretary of State in 1798 stand out: With Hamilton�s Federalist party in power, Congressional spending skyrocketed as he tried to fatten the federal monolith. Second, the Party of Hamilton used its power to make it illegal to criticize the government, the notorious Sedition Act, which Thomas Jefferson rescinded immediately upon his election two years later. A short while later, Hamilton was killed in the famous duel with Aaron Burr, but DiLorenzo is able to chart in disheartening detail how the forces of finance are always able to find friends willing to sell their principles as well as the welfare of others for the right price. Though Hamilton was gone, his fast buck principles lingered on and eventually found willing disciples at the highest levels of power. Chief Justice John Marshall served from 1801-35, under six presidents, Adams through Jackson. John Marshall, Hamilton�s devoted disciple, subverted the Constitution. DiLorenzo writes: �When Hamilton and Federalists failed to create a national government at the Constitutional Convention, their strategy shifted to one of subverting the �frail and worthless fabric� of the Constitution through the judicial system. For example, Federalist judges . . . enforced the insidious Sedition Act, which was a blatant attack on the First Amendment guarantee of free speech. �Marshall�s Constitutional law went a long way toward helping the Hamiltonian nationalists surreptitiously alter the form of government in America from Jeffersonian federalism to Hamiltonian nationalism and governmental consolidation. DiLorenzo used the phrase �judicial dictatorship.� �The Marshall court went a long way toward establishing the �invisible sovereignty� that pervades every, city, town, and state in America. The federal government is always ready to reach in and nullify or veto the will of the people of the states, or to order them to obey its own dictates. �The government of the union,� Marshall himself wrote, may �legitimately control all individuals or governments within the American territory.� It is doubtful that any state would have ratified the Constitution had they known that it would come to this, thanks to Hamilton and his disciple John Marshall,� DiLorenzo wrote. Hamilton and Marshall�s war on state sovereignty was a war against the very notion that the citizens should be sovereign over their own government. Jefferson believed that the Tenth Amendment, which reserved the bulk of governmental powers to the states, was the most important part of the Constitution. Thanks to Hamilton, Marshall, and their ideological heirs, Americans live under a Constitution that is construed by the courts as a grant of powers and not a restraint on government, as was originally intended. DiLorenzo writes that between 1937 and 1995 not a single law was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court, and spoke of a coerced national uniformity that produced nothing like a balance of powers that was supposed to exist among the three branches of government. The second major revival of Hamilton�s contrived economic principles were put into effect by Abraham Lincoln during the War Between the States. Though America had survived earlier experiences of central banks in the 1820s, bad experiences of financial crashes that were ended by Andrew Jackson in the 1830s, it was Lincoln�s national currency acts that really changed the direction of the country from what Jefferson had envisioned. DiLorenzo writes, �The era of free banking was abruptly ended when the neo-Hamiltonian Republicans passed three Legal Tender Acts, beginning in 1862. These acts of legislation permitted the Treasury Secretary to issue paper currency that was not immediately redeemable in gold or silver. Then they passed the National Currency Acts of 1863 and 1864, which created a system of nationally chartered (and regulated) banks that could issue currency.� �Whenever politicians promote any cause in the name of the �people,� you can be sure that the people have had little or nothing to do with the cause and will not benefit from it in any significant way,� DiLorenzo opined. �. . . On March 9, 1863, Alexander Hamilton�s hometown newspaper, The New York Times, rejoiced that the Lincoln regime�s nationalized banking �crystallized . . . a centralization of power, such as Hamilton might have euologized as magnificent.� Unfortunately, the results were not so magnificent for Americans. The federal government�s printing of Greenbacks created enormous inflation. Greenbacks depreciated to a value of only 35 cents worth of gold by July 11, 1864.� 17th Amendment killed Constitution The fateful year of 1913 saw three death blows to the legacy of Thomas Jefferson � the passage of the Federal Reserve and income tax legislation, but more importantly, the 17th Amendment, which changed the way Senators were elected. DiLorenzo wrote: �Who today would believe that opening the door for prospective senators to raise campaign funds from everywhere, including foreign countries, would limit rather than invite corruption?� Yet that was the rationale upon which the legislation was passed. �Even today, most people don�t understand the logic of it. Those who voted for it ignored the founders� logic of limited government for the safety of the people, because it increased their own power.� DiLorenzo described a �ratchet effect� after 1913. �War, taxes, government never return to original size.� A study showed senators who were previously chosen by their state legislatures stayed closer to home and more authentically addressed the issues of their constituencies. �The original design of the constitution ended with the 17th amendment,� DiLorenzo wrote. But the passage of the income tax was beyond Hamilton�s wildest dreams in the creation of a centralized economy. Under the Articles of Confederation which Hamilton hated, the federal government had no power to tax at all, and revenues were all raised by the states. Jefferson opposed the income tax, which is why we never had one until the bankers took over. He famously said, �We shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread that it has earned.� The author explains. The income tax ended the ability of the states to effectively influence their own central government It allowed the federal government to pry into every business transaction and the records of every working person in America. And rendered the states into beggars, which was Hamilton�s idea to begin with. The income tax was a complete repudiation of Jefferson�s natural rights doctrine. The amount of income the citizen might keep would be determined by the �needs� of the government. So DiLorenzo postulates that the victory of hypocritical Hamiltonian financial dogma over Jefferson�s plan for individual liberty really occurred over a period of a hundred years in three major stages. First was the Bank of the United States, which Jackson finally killed in 1837. Then came the National Currency Acts of the 1860s, in which Lincoln created �Hamilton�s Republic.� And then a decades long political crusade by bankers, railroad industrialists and power-hungry politicians produced the Federal Reserve, which gave the government the right to legally counterfeit money. �From 1789 to 1913, consumer prices in America remained stable,� DiLorenzo wrote. �Since then prices have risen twenty fold, even though we have been told that the purpose of the Federal Reserve was to keep prices stable.� DiLorenzo calls Hamilton �the godfather of economic interventionism and big government.� � . . . many of the disasters in American history have their roots in Hamilton�s philosophy . . . . This would include not only the War Between the States, which claimed more than 600,000 American lives, but also the massive political corruption that followed the war, the U.S. government�s imperialist bent that began in the late 19th century with the Spanish-American War, the destruction of constitutional government by activist federal judges, the invasive tyranny of the IRS, our gargantuan national debt, and the monetary expansion and economic interventionism that led to the Great Depression. And this is only a partial list.� The same droll rhetoric rolls on today. DiLorenzo enumerates the ruses. Hamiltonian business-government partnerships are a sham, using the coercive power of the state to benefit a small group of Americans In recent years, the Fed has been responsible for the NASDAQ crash and the bursting of the housing market �bubble.� In each instance, the Fed first made credit very inexpensive (low interest rates) and widely available. His plan for derailing this Hamiltonian madness? �Ending the curse is turning away from Hamilton�s legacy and returning to Jefferson�s and the original intent of the framers of the U.S. Constitution. �The components of this solution include reclaiming our rights to begin restoring the American tradition of states� rights as a means of controlling their own government. Critical to this objective is restoring the notion that American citizens are in control of their own government, which today they are not. �Power needs to be stripped from the federal judiciary and returned to the people. �The American political system must be �unrigged� to allow third parties. Repeal the 16th and 17th amendments, the income tax and the direct election of senators which destoyed states� rights. No tax money for corporations, abolish protectionist tariffs and abolish the General Welfare clause (all features of the Confederate Constitition) The Hamiltonian monopoly on money must be dismantled if the endless boom-and-bust cycles and the relentless decline in the value of a dollar are ever to be ended. Lastly, put an end to fractional reserve banking. Banks should have to hold 100 percent of reserves. �This would put an end to bankers political manipulation of the money supply and of society as a whole.� But because Hamilton won, the whole world lost. And Prof. Thomas DiLorenzo has described the whole process superbly. Except he left out one thing. The most important thing. This reviewer must note the persistent infection of thought which prevents all authors from revealing the major factor of all the criminal shenanigans they describe in their own books, indeed, in their entire life�s works. In order to succeed in the mainstream media and publishing world, there is one topic that of course you may not mention if you wish to be famous (which says a lot about fame). Hamilton�s philosophy of an empire ruled by an aristocracy was quintessentially Talmudic, top down totalitarianism by a predator class preying on clueless herds of jibberish-mumbling cattle. Although an Internet search reveals many layers of a coverup designed to obfuscate Hamilton�s actual roots, a 1910 work by Allen Hamilton (�The Intimate Life of Alexander Hamilton�) reports he was the son of James Levine and a woman of African descent. A more recent source, the Jewish Virtual Library, claims both Hamilton�s mother and her first husband were Jewish. In any case, young Hamilton attended Jewish school in Nevis. DiLorenzo has written a story about the effects of Jewish bankers on the creation and subsequent evolution of the United States without ever mentioning the chief source of all the pain that he is writing about � those very Jewish bankers, and more particularly, the overall Jewish philosophy, which at its core is an unspeakable perversion of every positive notion human beings ever had. There is a Satanic strand of history that stretches from the cynical sales pitches of Alexander Hamilton at the Constitutional Convention to the phony explanations put forth about the 9/11 horror that will stand throughout future history as the true cause of death of the American republic. And that � the twisted philosophy from which Hamilton�s curse was derived � is the true source of the disintegration from within that today has just about destroyed this greatest country that ever was, when the sovereign states were in control of a federation that had not yet been turned into a Jewish-run monster intent on destroying itself and everybody else along with it. As we say in the 9/11 skeptics movement, there are Jewish fingerprints all over this story, pervading every aspect of the crime and impeding every effort at investigating it. The same could be said, it is sadly true, about the American history we have come to know, but no longer believe John Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida, urging people to understand that no problem in the world can be authentically addressed without first analyzing tangents caused by Jewish perfidy, which has subverted and diminished every aspect of human endeavor throughout history. Support for his work is wholly derived from people who can understand what he�s saying and know what it means. www.johnkaminski.info 250 N. McCall Rd. #2, Englewood, FL 34223, USA |