Blacklisted historian’s works reveal the deception of mainstream history
29th October 2009
Lots of fine folks around the world have been worried lately about the welfare of legendary anti-establishment historian Eustace Mullins.
Actually, half-baked reports and calculated rumors have had him killed, kidnapped, missing or otherwise under siege for decades. Some of these
items have been true, others only near misses.
I’m here to tell you tonight that Eustace is fine. One is tempted to describe him as “never better,” but for a writer as young as myself, describing an
old codger of 86 years filled with intrigue and tragedy, whose legs don’t work very well anymore and who is prone to nodding off after a good meal, that
would be a subjective judgment I would not care to make.
I’ve been hearing stories about the persecution and exploitation of Eustace Mullins by shadowy people with ulterior motives since the late 1980s, when
they’d already been happening for 30 years. To make a long story short, Eustace would be dead today — murdered, actually — if not for the miraculous intervention
of a guardian angel. Yes, it does happen.
The thing that first strikes me as remarkable about Eustace is his face, especially when he laughs, which is often. Good humor amidst adversity is perhaps the
finest human trait, which this battler for objective human truth possesses in abundance.
Even though the subject at hand may be tragic and portend dire consequences for the entire human race, when the point is made, and Eustace laughs wryly, all
the wrinkles on his face disappear, except for two little crow’s feet. His eyes sparkle as he glances upward, as if to say, “I tell them what I’ve found, Lord, that’s about all I can do.” The best way I can put it is that he is infused with a kind of light I’ve seen in very few others.
• • •
Eustace Mullins is the most blacklisted, suppressed and harassed writer in American history. In the introduction to his “A writ for martyrs,” which is a report on
the files the FBI compiled on him for decades, Mullins writes, “In a single day, my life changed from one of peaceful artistic endeavour to one of constant
struggle for survival. One dark winter day in in 1948, some friends persuaded me to visit the poet Ezra Pound in his cell at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital,
Washington, D.C. That day was to cast a pall over my life, and to bring great suffering to my innocent family.”
After 25 books, including such pertinent titles as “The Secrets of the Federal Reserve,” “Murder by Injection,” and “The World Order: Our Secret Rulers,”
Mullins is now living the good life, sort of, thanks to his rescue from oblivion by a lone man who takes life very seriously. Mullins and his steadfast
caretaker Jesse Lee are essentially homeless, but touring the country, going from friend to friend, selling the same books Mullins has been peddling for sixty years.
(You too can acquire these precious, museum quality books for a song — and possibly get a visit from Eustace and Jesse in the bargain — simply by writing to
me and I’ll pass the info on.)
But in their happy travels, they do something a lot more than that. With Jesse’s thoughtful guidance, they raise eyebrows and elicit love wherever and with
whomever they meet. The minute Eustace’s message reaches the unenlightened, they seem to universally respond, “I need to hear this information, because it
relates to what is happening now more than anything I’ve ever heard on TV.”
Sitting comfortably in an easy chair, Mullins dismisses the physical problems that have plagued him in recent years with a wave of his hand, and says
matter-of-factly, chuckling with that twinkle again, “I still have 25 more books to write!”
The astonishing output of works of supreme relevance to our understanding of today’s world can perhaps best be viewed on Wikipedia, a site I don’t normally
recommend, and can’t say is accurate. But it gives you an idea of the volume and magnitude of Mullins’ works. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eustace_Mullins
Savor the titles. “The plagues of pharaoh.” “Jewish TV: Sick sick sick.” “Why General Patton Was Murdered.”
But more importantly, understand the content of all these publications and simply marvel at the profound enormity of the output.
Among his major works . . .
“The Secrets of the Federal Reserve” may just be the single book that can save the American republic, if that’s possible, because it objectively examines
how the international bankers have reshaped reality throughout the 20th century and turned our freedom into slavery.
“Murder by Injection: The Story of the Medical Conspiracy against America” reveals the American Medical Association’s sordid history of killer quackery
and heartless profiteering that continues today with the ubiquitous use of poison medicines to cure fictional diagnoses.
“The World Order: Our Secret Rulers” names the five men who rule the world.
In “The Rape of Justice: America’s Tribunals Exposed,” Mullins writes: “ . . . the cause of our legal dilemma, that our Constitutional courts, as authorized
in the Constitution, have stealthily been replaced by equity courts, operating on the stern military principles of admiralty punishment.”
So now you have some idea why the notorious FBI director J. Edgar Hoover put a tail on Mullins for decades; in fact, probably, the agent is still posted.
Eustace’s guardian Jesse says “The Curse of Canaan” is the key to all of Mullins’ works, because it explains the demonic plot that has plagued civilization for
five thousand years. Back in the late 1980s, when I first encountered “Curse of Canaan,” I was put off by religious terminology I didn’t understand, and I
thought all evangelical types were the same — hypocrites.
Since then I’ve learned differently. Like the debate about good Jews and bad Jews, there is no debate that there are good Christians and bad Christians.
Israel-poisoned shills like John Hagee, Billy Graham and Jerry Falwell are the bad Christians; but the good ones like Jesse Lee and Eustace leave no doubt in
anyone’s mind that they are driven by the light of truth, and overjoyed at the prospects of the trip they’re on.
• • •
As stimulating as reading Eustace Mullins can be, conversing with him can be even more startling, not to mention educational.
“People don’t realize the United States didn’t win the Revolutionary War,” Eustace casually says. “They let us think we won, but it never really happened.”
Jaws usually drop considerably at that line. Summoning my meager knowledge of America’s war for independence, I began to babble on about Alexander Hamilton, the
guy on the $10 bill, as being one of the key figures preventing America’s independence from Britain and the international bankers. I brought up a name familiar
to Eustace, the respected Jewish economic historian Emanuel Josephson, who was Mullins’ close friend when they both lived in the same New York City neighborhood
a half century ago.
Josephson wrote that Hamilton was half black and half Jewish, went to Hebrew school in London, and later prevented the fledgling colonies from financial freedom
by reserving the printing of paper money to the banks, rather than the government, despite what the Fourth Amendment of the Constitution appears to say.
“That kind of reminds me of Abraham Lincoln,” Eustace retorted. “Lincoln’s mother was a slave and his father was a Jew. Did you know that Lincoln’s wife went
mad and spent the later part of her life in an insane asylum, and that both of Lincoln’s sons committed suicide?”
He continued. “Lincoln was put in place by the bankers, too. That whole greenbacks thing was just a smokescreen.”
As I said, jaw dropping.
After a pause, Eustace went on. “Did you know that for two whole years, Averill Harriman was the leader of Russia?”
Harriman, member of an infamously rich American family comparable and in league with the Bushes, was sent to Russia by the Rockefellers right after Hitler
invaded in 1941, because when that happened, Stalin had a nervous breakdown which lasted two years. Harriman later returned to the U.S. and ran for vice
president in 1948.
Perhaps with Eustace Mullins rather than any other single author, you can really get a feel for how deep the rabbithole goes.
Among Mullins’ more astounding publications are both whole books of commentary on the Jewish question, including a mammoth tome titled “Mullins’ New History
of the Jews,” and small booklets containing the riveting essays “Jewish War Against the Western World,” “Sigmund Freud: Anti-Christ Devil,”
“There’s a Gulag in Your Future,” and “The Biological Jew,” plus scores of other essays and short works with similar titles and the same subject.
So it seemed natural to suggest my own observations for his scrutiny, and when I did, was I surprised.
“So, Eustace,” I queried, “who really runs the world?”
“The Queen,” he answered quickly.
“You mean it’s not the Sanhedrin!?” I exclaimed, flabbergasted. “Are you sure it’s not the Sanhedrin that runs the Queen?”
“No, it’s Queen Elizabeth who runs the Sanhedrin and everything else — most definitely.”
As I said, with Eustace Mullins, both with reading his works and listening to him, prepare to be astounded. Prepare to learn the real history that has been
concealed from us by the people who own the media, who just happen to be the same people who own the banks and the government.
• • •
As I said before, since 1988 I’d been hearing secondhand stories about Eustace and about how numerous charlatans would make their way to his modest Staunton,
Virginia home to try to steal the rights to Eustace’s books. Many times I pondered how the only thing that could really save Eustace from the ravages of
time and inattention was a guardian angel.
For decades, said angel never appeared, and Eustace’s health rapidly went down the tubes. Then suddenly, right after filmmaker Randy Atkins made the video
“The Neo-Zionist World Order,” which consisted of an extensive interview with Mullins, the latest team of these charlatans spirited Eustace out of the
Virginia nursing home where he had been living to another nursing home in Texas. Two criminals named Blackburn and Spencer were all set to commit Mullins
to a Texas state institution, where it would have been all but impossible to get him out. During this dangerous episode, Spencer actually reprinted one
of Mullins’ works, carefully removing all instances of the word “Jew,” and pocketing all the profits for himself.
As Eustace recalls it, “Spencer told me that if I took the word out of all my books, we could make a million dollars.” That Eustace remembered what
G. Edward Griffin did. “He totally plagiarized my ‘Secrets of the Federal Reserve’ and made two million dollars.”
Just as Mullins was to be committed to a Texas state institution, along comes Jesse Lee, son of a Baptist preacher, who perceived the unjust horror
of the situation. Jesse snatched Eustace from the clutches of money-grubbing opportunists and the poisoned nursing home, and drove him off to Maine
for a 40-day raw vegetable fast.
And that’s what saved Eustace’s life.
Since then Eustace and Jesse have lived a nomadic life, going from friend to friend, all over the U.S., spreading the real history of the United States and
waking people up in the friendliest of ways.
Jesse Lee, you may know, looks just like Santa Claus (well, much thinner). While on a previous fast in the mountains of Colorado, Jesse took a Nazarite vow
to never again cut his hair as a sign he was a servant of the Lord, and the task he adopted as his life’s work was to resuscitate and renourish Eustace. So
far this mission, a tremendous amount of work since Mullins is essentially not able to sustain himself without significant care, has been a complete success.
And a great gift to those they choose to visit.
Jesse’s goal for the future, suggested by Atkins, is to reacquire the old Mullins homestead in Staunton, also buy the house next door, and turn them both
into the Eustace Mullins Ezra Pound Institute for Civilization, sell books and protect the works of Mullins, Pound and other authors who have been blacklisted
by the authorities who control people’s thoughts. That plan at this point is only a dream.
“We’re not out to sell books,” Jesse stresses. “We just want to spread the word.”
• • •
Lately I’ve noticed something that I’ve never noticed before. I guess it’s one of the perks of getting older.
I’ve noticed that a lot of the best people — not the ones who are trying to make lots of money or assume positions of power after they steal them from
whomever possesses them at the moment — exude a certain kind of light about them.
Jesse has asked me if I was a Christian, and I said no, but added that Jesus was a close personal friend of mine.
Jesse didn’t know that I am one of the most trenchant and persistent critics of organized religion in the world. Or at least that’s what I like to think.
But lately I’ve noticed that the people who say and do the best things are all driven by a CERTAIN faith in God, and are made happy by it, regardless of
whatever historical anomalies that I might hold in such high and incriminating regard, and regardless of whichever creed — except for that horrible one we’ve
been talking about — that espouses veneration of a highest power with an emphasis on love, charity and service . . . you know, that highest power that has
given us our lives. I’ve seen it just as strongly in Catholics, Muslims, Baptists and Buddhists. Sorry to say I don’t know any Hindus, but I’m sure they
have it, too.
It’s the light of faith that shows through in good works for the highest purposes, and it is the most beautiful thing in the world.
Lately I feel this light rising in myself, the light of safety, and I don’t know what do about it, trenchant critic of psyop religions that I pretend to be.
A thought crosses my mind: What if all the believers in the world united against the nonbelievers? I’m not talking lockstep Hageeism here. I’m talking about
understanding we all have shared goals and shared beliefs, but some agency in the world somehow exacerbates our differences instead of emphasizing our
commonalities. They foment conflict for the purpose of exploiting both sides. As a direct result, society is in chaos while the mindlocked government
works to mass murder as many people as possible so the rich can have less crowded playgrounds.
What if all the believers in the world found their commonality and exposed and neutralized the one group of nonbelievers that controls everything for a
purpose that can only be described as selfish and evil?
Well, it’s just a dream. A dream that could be made possible if everyone understood everything that Eustace Mullins has ever said, and put those thoughts
into action.
The phone rings. It’s Randy, supposedly the next stop for Eustace and Jesse. “They’re not here yet.” I get on the phone. “Jesse, where are you?”
“Oh, we stopped at Mia’s. Don’t know how long we’ll be here, but we’re having a great time.”
Join in if you like. You’ll never regret it.
Want to read a lot more about Eustace Mullins? Start with http://www.whale.to/b/mullins_h.html
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