Milk teeth

Can we change in time to prevent technology from neutering the future?

3rd November 2011

The great white magician Rudolf Steiner taught that children are simply not equipped to learn before the loss of their milk teeth (also called baby teeth) at what used to be around age 7, but which now is around age 5. Steiner, founder of the sciences of anthroposophy and biodynamic farming, wrote in 1906:

At about the seventh year the human being is actually born a second time; that is to say, his etheric body is born to free activity just as his physical body is at the moment of physical birth.

Steiner compared the liberation of etheric body signified by the loss of the milk teeth to the lighting of a match.
Proponents of the Waldorf education system he founded divide a child's development to age 21 into three 7-year sections: imitation, imagination, and judgment, having determined that before age 7, certain things simply cannot be learned by children.

It all makes me think about this human species as a whole that has, all the time of its existence, refused to grow up.

In keeping with the time honored wisdom of pagan philosopher Hermes Trismegistus � 'As above, so below' � and using a kind of fractal psychoanalysis, I think this principle of everything occurring in its proper time, when beings are ready to cope with whatever the next great expansion of consciousness turns out to be, is happening now to the entire human race.

Like a baby chick battling its way out a shell, humans are demolishing old canards, seeing myths for what they really are, and consigning to the scrapheap of history all forms of propaganda masquerading as truth.

Needless to say this battle is not actually being won. For most people, the desire not to deviate too far from the herd prevents them from telling the truth they really feel inside. After all, what would the neighbors think?

Which segues nicely to a recent and vivid dream I had I shall never forget. I call it 'Jesus at the turnstiles'. It went like this.

Jesus was standing at the turnstiles, arms outstretched, beseeching a churlish throng hurrying to pass through to the other side. The place looked an awful lot like the Hoboken path train station at rush hour.

Even the throbbing red heart was visible through his shirt, and his halo beamed heavenly rays in all directions. "Wait!" he cried. "Take note of your eternal soul!"

But nobody paid attention, and all that could be heard was the rush of the crowd and the clattering of turnstiles. Finally, one person, who happened to be a nice Jewish man from the Bronx, stopped and clued him in.

"What do we need with a soul if we have the technology to live forever?" he explained to Jesus. "We're all going to see Ray Kurzweil and get new bodies, transmute our intelligence into them, and live forever." Then, swept away by the madding crowd, he yelled back. "I really need a new elbow. All those ledger entries . . ."

Ray Kurzweil, you may remember, is the artificial intelligence guru who predicts all naturally occurring human attributes will be replaced by mechanisms created by AI by 2045. Scarier than that is his notion of "utility fog", when everything that is touched by intelligent nanoparticles will suddenly animate themselves. This is Kurzweil's version of God, and he's creating it, planning to spread it throughout the universe.

Or I should say, he has already created it and it is only a matter of time � and not much of it � when his vision is likely to come true. This is truly a genie that once out of the bottle cannot be put back. And apparently, it's out. It makes all these arguments about politics and religion seem trivial.

Kurzweil is the author of a bevy of fascinating books, among them, "Fantastic Voyage: Long Enough to Live Forever."

It is the ultimate human dream. If offered to anyone, Jesus never has a chance. But if this really becomes (or really already is) reality, will humanity ignore its previously important need for a soul? (No, I will not digress into this is the same way Jesus got his power in the first place.)

Certain other questions can be asked at this crossroads, such as, would our apparent need to have a conscience no longer be relevant? Why DO we try to do good? So we will be rewarded after we die? Then, what if we don't die?

And then comes the bitterest pill to swallow. The safety net we thought we had has suddenly vaporized.

The myths by which we attempt to answer these questions are not only known to be false copies of earlier religions, they have been demolished as fantastic fabrications by all manner of scientific disciplines, notably by archeology and the discovery on this planet of earlier civilizations about which we have next to no knowledge.

One only need turn to Dr. Ashraf Ezzat's "Egyptian Torah" to realize that the main principles of both Christianity and Judaism were stolen lock, stock and barrel from the ancient religion of the Pharaohs, rendering the so-called "divinity" of all these saviors and saints just so much propagandistic palaver in the battle for the human mind.

Ezzat writes:

In a book of instructions, Amenemhat, an Egyptian king, advised his son, Sesostris , to attain the highest qualities, because upon his death he will see his whole lifetime in a single instant and his performance on earth will be reviewed and evaluated, by the judges. In recent years, numerous books addressed the near-death experiences of many people. In this phenomenon, it is reported that seeing the person�s whole life span in an instant, is a recurrent theme for all persons with near-death experiences. Death is not the end, but rather it is a transitional state. Such an experience matches exactly the Egyptians� belief of the afterlife process, which starts with the Day of Judgment where the life of the person is evaluated.

Judgment day

See full size image here

This detail scene, from the Papyrus of Hunefer (ca. 1375 B.C.), shows Hunefer's heart being weighed on the scale of Maat against the feather of truth, by the jackal-headed Anubis. The Ibis-headed Thoth, scribe of the gods, records the result. If his heart is lighter than the feather, Hunefer is allowed to pass into the afterlife. If not, he is eaten by the waiting chimeric devouring creature Ammut composed of the deadly crocodile, lion, and hippopotamus.

Ancient Egyptians were the first to believe in a day of judgment. According to the recorded rituals, the spirit of the deceased denied committing each sin/fault before its assigned judge, by reciting the forty-two negative confessions (analogous to the famed Ten Commandments).

A lot of historians and Egyptologists believe that the Ten Commandments were transcribed by the Israelites from These Egyptian negative confessions which come from The Book of the Coming Forth by Day (commonly and mistakenly known as The Book of the Dead.)

In the judgment of the dead the heart, as a metaphor for conscience, is weighed against the feather of truth, to determine the fate of the deceased.

So what does this mean to all those billions of people who accepted the Christian gods and lived their lives according to those precepts. To the dead, it means nothing. To the living, it means they have been deceived, not by the practice of absolution and forgiveness, but by the false names and stories. Who would trust their eternal soul to a known liar? Only someone who has been brainwashed.

And this is what is falling away. Papal infallibility and the Jewish twisting of history, which began when the Hebrews, then known as Hyksos, brought plagues and misery to an innocent people known as Egyptians � just as they are doing today, using their zombie proxies in the U.S. military to exploit and kill less-advantaged peoples. We've had three thousand years of this shit. That's enough.

But what remains beyond all of this, beyond all the insane excuses for government secrecy that looks for all the world exactly like the secrets the holy men keep about the god nobody has ever � ever � really seen in the flesh, except in self-inflicted delusions?

Is the future a choice between Jesus Christ and Ray Kurzweil?

Or are both wrong about the desire to live forever?

It has long been my contention, which I have expressed repeatedly over the years, that no living thing in the universe lives forever. Stars may live for billions of years beyond our comprehension, but not forever. Therefore, aspiring to eternal life is chasing something that does not exist, which I believe guarantees unavoidable corruption for trying to enforce both a lie and an impossibility. I believe this to be the cause of the possibly imminent destruction of the human species. I just didn't think it would come in the form of mainstream science.

The only thing I know about forever is that without it, the possibility of love does not exist. Death is forever; life is only for a little while.

You get to pick. Eternal life without love, or this mess we're in now.

And if you're one of those cold-hearted rationalists who think they can live without love, you might consider that those who decided to live without love created this mess we're in now.

Like the dropping of the milk teeth, the time is right for humanity to discard all these delusional psychoses and start building a healthier world. The grains of divinity within us which perceive that all life is tasked with helping whomever and whatever they can are infinitely preferable to Jewish nanomonsters invading the universe with their idea of exploitable enlightenment. Even so, that is the future we face, and it's too late to stop it.

John Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida, constantly trying to figure out why we are destroying ourselves, and pinpointing a corrupt belief system as the engine of our demise. Solely dependent on contributions from readers, please support his work by mail:

250 N. McCall Rd. #2,
FL 34223

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