False footprint of history misleads our brains, destroys our lives
17th September 2010
"Whoever controls the volume of money in our country is absolute
master of all industry and commerce, and when you realize that the
entire system is very easily controlled, one way or another, by a few
powerful men at the top, you will not have to be told how periods of
inflation and depression originate." James A. Garfield, 20th U.S. president, two weeks before he was
assassinated in 1881
This is the fact we can�t get straight.
One side � one entity, one organization � funds BOTH sides in all the wars.
Failure to comprehend this one stark truth has diminished human life
beyond comprehension. For openers, it has cost millions of human lives
throughout the 20th century and into the 21st in the form of wars that
were cynically fomented to mask the massive robberies of other
countries. And all of them � every single one � has been manipulated
into being, not for geopolitical or philosophical purposes, but for
robbery, pure and simple. All done under some patriotic rubric and all
done by the same bunch, money controllers of that certain stripe whose
name it is not permitted to mention in that society they call polite.
The way to see that picture of one central controlling financial
octopus slithering down through history with backroom bribes and
secret assassinations is to take the core syllabus of Eustace Mullins
and Archibald Maule Ramsay, edit it, and lay it out like an outline.
1645: Portuguese Jewish bankers in Holland Solomon de Medina and
Fernando Carvajal secretly fund Oliver Cromwell to readmit the Jews to
England, where they had been banished for loansharking for almost 400
years. This drama leads to the killing of the king, the debauching of
Ireland, and the capture of the British treasury by the Jews, which is
why the City of London is the power center of the world today.
1791: The great liberation � peace, freedom and brotherhood. Run
secretly by Jewish bankers inside British intelligence, the French
overthrew their corrupt and bankrupt king by burning churches and
slaughtering each other in the streets while the newly powerful
Rothschild dynasty paraded one murderous puppet after another and
completely erased the heroic history of the Gauls that had made France
an empire. Today France has a Jewish president who reportedly works
for the CIA.
1917: A trainload of Jews from Brooklyn carrying $40 million in gold
bullion steamed across Europe and wound up occupying 363 of the 388
seats in the new Bolshevik assembly after these humanitarian Jewish
revolutionaries cut up the czar and his family into little pieces and
burned them. You may not have noticed, but these are the people in
charge of the United States now.
1945: Hitler had been assisted in his drive to power by notable U.S.
interests, whose descendents were to include future U.S. presidents.
It was all part of a long range plan to have a second German war, but
more than that, it was a perfect example of how the international
money machine was funding both sides in the same conflict, for the
obvious purpose of making money off the consumption of weaponry,
armaments, and the other amenities of war.
1967: Nelson Rockefeller smiles in Moscow while delivering trucks to
the USSR, who forwarded them to North Vietnam, where they were used to
kill American troops.
2010: Al Qaida shows up as designated enemy all over the world.
Invented by Zbigniew Brzezinski after he recruited the Mujaheddin to
drive the Russians out of Afghanistan, the created terrorist group was
really a list, a data base, of Arab thugs who could be bought and used
as double agents. Although a cynical fiction, this �base� was blamed
for the 9/11 attack, and used to justify wars all over the world. It
was the creation of �the perfect enemy,� one which could never be
caught because it did not really exist, except as a department of the
Jewish intelligence agencies.
Many other entries of salient significance could be added to this
list, but for purposes of comprehension and future use, this pattern,
this syllabus, should be used to illustrate and verify the secret
political pattern that has dominated the world since the Age of
Enlightenment, the time of Shakespeare, a period of almost 400 years.
These other entries might include:
� 1815: Nathan Rothschild�s capture of the British money exchange
after the battle of Waterloo, in which France�s Napoleon was defeated
by Britain�s Wellington, and Rothschild increased his fortune by a
factor of 5000 by misrepresenting the outcome. The founder of this
Rothschild dynasty that has controlled the world for 200 years began
when Nathan�s father killed the 25-year-old Prince William of Hesse
and stole his fortune.
� 1847: At a wedding in London, Britain�s Jewish PM Benjamin Disraeli,
inventor of the term Zionism, told James and Lionel Rothschild that
the U.S. would be divided into two parts: the north for James and the
South for Lionel. That next year came the Worldwide Jewish Revolution
of 1848, when revolutions occurred in every country in the world and
the organization later known as B�nai Brith hooked its financial
tentacles into literally every corner of the world. That was the year
Marx wrote the Communist manifesto.
� 1913: German Jewish banker Paul Warburg ramrodded the Federal
Reserve Act and the Income Tax through a paid-off Congress, and World
War I, finally with enough money to build the weapons of war,
introduced an era where permanent, continuous war would become a
financial necessity simply to pay the armies it had created.
� 1932: Hitler did not have the money to seriously prepare for war
until he sent his Jewish lawyer Rosenberg to London to enlist the help
of American industrialists to fund the Nazi war machine. Shortly
thereafter, America declared a bankruptcy it has never resolved, and
also confiscated all the gold in the country.
Even today as high tech sadists use weather wars to destabilize enemy
countries and oppress the populations into grateful submission, we see
in the pattern of the world that is being formed before our eyes the
same basic falsehood that has been perpetrated on the public these
last four centuries � that it is countries who are fighting each
other, whereas really it has been clever bankers establishing
institutions and manipulating situations to make it appear these
countries needed to be fighting each other, when in fact the only
reason for these wars was to make money, usually by stealing things.
So when I hear people talking about Republicans and Democrats, or this
celebrity or that, I kind of shut it all out now, because I know the
real news is really taking place on another level. It does us no good
to understand the parliamentary blather that accomplishes certain
tasks, as long as we don�t know what the original orders are from the
bankers to the politicians. Understanding what passes for political
news in mainstream media (in any era) guarantees that you DON�T
understand the real forces at play.
The testament of suppressed history from Mullins, Ramsay and other
forgotten martyrs to the cause of truth clearly shows a master plan
that has survived and prospered down through history. This dominant
force has profoundly diminished our lives through regimentation and
hypocrisy, not to mention unleashing the nastiest plagues ever known
to man and killing people for fun, just because they like blood.
Most importantly, now is the time to clearly identify this potentially
fatal influence on world society, because not to do so guarantees no
problem of meaningful significance will ever be solved, because the
underlying, motivational forces of them remain undiscussed. It�s
impossible to really know anything under these circumstances. And
that�s where the public remains today � permanently in the dark.
Lastly, in the study of human nature, let us remember our traditions
are descended from the seed of Abraham, the famous banker who sold his
wife to Pharoah and begat a tradition of sabotaging other countries by
stealth that venerated blood ties over honesty, and righteous murder
over the compassion they pretended to preach.
If we are to have a future that involves individual liberty,
understanding the nature of the boot on our faces is the most
important thing to know.
Contributions and comments may be directed to:
250 N. McCall Rd. #2,
FL 34223.
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